Animal Fun Facts #12 — Foxy Boxing

March 23rd, 2020


Background artists got the week off, I think.

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Animal Fun Facts #11 — Lots About Poop

March 16th, 2020


I'm just amazed they didn't re-explain the hyena jaws thing when given the chance.

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Animal Fun Facts #10 — Missing Link

March 9th, 2020


They don't think much of their audience's education, do they?

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Animal Fun Facts #09 — “I Dream of a Racially Pure Utopia”

March 2nd, 2020


The second half didn't even have a fun fact.

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Fun Facts About Fish #08 — Rapist Giraffes

February 24th, 2020


I'm tired of animal genitalia for the season.

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Fun Animal Facts #07 — Gender Issues

February 17th, 2020


The main issue is that the writers are terrible.

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Animal Fun Facts #06 — Faulty Chinese Import

February 10th, 2020


"Does anybody know anything about pandas? No? Well, crap."

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Animal Fun Facts #05 — Screw the Rules

February 3rd, 2020


I feel like there's something with the zebras obsessively playing MtG that I'm just not getting.

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Animal Fun Facts #04 — More Hyena Penis Lessons

January 27th, 2020


Was there a big hyena PSA a few months back that I missed?

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Zoo School #03 — Pack Mentality

January 20th, 2020


How nice of the main characters to show up this week.

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