The Magical Girl Creation Project #12 — Hit It With a Rock

December 17th, 2016


You need a bigger rock.

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The Magical Girl Creation Project #11 — Mass Hallucinations

December 10th, 2016


There must be something in the water.

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The Magical Girl Creation Project #10 — “I Forgot I Had Powers”

December 3rd, 2016


Rarr! Bullying!

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The Magical Girl Creation Project #09 — The Culling

November 26th, 2016


Meanwhile, Cranberry's just hanging out somewhere offscreen.

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The Magical Girl Creation Project #08 — Flashback Clearing House

November 19th, 2016


Someone kill the other angel and the dog already.

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The Magical Girl Creation Project #07 — Overkill

November 12th, 2016


Although technically, it's only overkill if it works.

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The Magical Girl Creation Project #06 — Bloody Messes

November 5th, 2016


Look who decided to add some blood to their show and went crazy with it.

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The Magical Girl Creation Plan #05 — Halfwit Shopping Special

October 29th, 2016


Just let the elf blow some people up.

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The Magical Girl Creation Plan #04 — Trampoline Sword

October 22nd, 2016


Must be Chinese steel.

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The Magical Girl Creation Project #03 — Catching Up

October 15th, 2016


Oh boy. An entire episode to explain to the characters the end of the previous episode.

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