Little Witch Academia #25 — Tinkerbell Effect

June 25th, 2017


Politely applaud if you're content with the world not being destroyed.

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Littlewitch Academia #24 — Whose Show Is It Anyway?

June 18th, 2017


It was nice of Akko to show up and solve everything in the length of a commerical break.

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Little Witch Academia #23 — Ex Post Facto

June 11th, 2017


Oh boy! An episode spent walking back the little that 'happened' in the previous one!

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Little Witch Academia #22 — The Recap Episode

June 4th, 2017


Oh god yes, I love recap.

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Little Witch Academia #21 — People Falling and Passing Out

May 28th, 2017


How many times are we going to visit that well in a three minute span?.

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Little Witch Academia #20 — The Temporary Inconveniencing

May 21st, 2017


Well, at least Akko did something at some point in the episode. That's a step up.

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Little Witch Academia #19 — “Oh, Yeah. Diana Exists.”

May 14th, 2017


Time for an episode about Akko being out of place among the aristocracy then.

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Little Witch Academia #18 — “Remember Our Mecha Shows?”

May 7th, 2017


Still better than the Twilight episode.

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Little Witch Academia #17 — Boys Just Wanna Be in Cults

April 30th, 2017


The Skull and Bones has really let membership standards go.

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Little Witch Academia #16 — Flora Flu

April 23rd, 2017


It's a miracle some other witch didn't show up and save the day for once.

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