Cash 4 Giga #10 — What Is Love?

December 18th, 2013


Honestly, I think I'd have preferred the song.

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Kyousougiga #09 — The Two Minute Monologue Walk

December 12th, 2013


I'm glad this season is drawing to a close.

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KSG #08 — Koto Gets Her Groove Back

December 4th, 2013


…Multiple times.

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Kyousougiga #07 — Poking and Hugging

November 27th, 2013


So much for hopes that this would move forward with any kind of agency.

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KSG #06 — Full of Juice

November 20th, 2013


Boy, am I sick of immortality this season.

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Kyousougiga #05 — Not the Dog’s Episode

November 6th, 2013


Where’s the damn hammer?

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Kyousougiga #04 — Mooooooommy

October 30th, 2013


Needs more giant hammers.

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Kyousougiga #03 — The One-Button PZP

October 23rd, 2013


Maybe it was made by Addle.

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Kyousougiga #02 — Bait and Switch

October 16th, 2013


Damn liars.

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Kyousougiga #01 — Annoying Dogs with iPhones

October 9th, 2013


That’s by using iPhones, not annoying dogs that have iPhones.

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