Gelato Five #12 — The Amazing Amazo

June 24th, 2022


Really? Not even a kiss?

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Gelato Five #11 — Meet the C Team

June 17th, 2022


Boy, not looking to end strong, are they?

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Gelato Five #10 — School Rumble

June 10th, 2022


School festival episodes never turn out well.

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Gelato Five #09 — My Sister’s Keeper

June 3rd, 2022


Nothing about this seems healthy.

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Gelato Five #08 — Costume Change

May 27th, 2022


Bad day for fashion.

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Gelato Five #07 — Black Gelato

May 20th, 2022


You know how much I love flashbacks.

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Gelato Five #06 — Roe Vs Wade

May 13th, 2022


Wait, what?

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Gelato Five #05 — Bad Euphemisms for Virginity

May 6th, 2022



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Gelato Five #04 — Plot Convenient Amnesia

April 29th, 2022


The first incidence of many to come.

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Gelato Five #03 — MA! GET OFF THE PHONE, MA!

April 22nd, 2022


It's weird how the bear wears leggings but not pants.

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