BEM #12 — The Mighty Power of a River

October 14th, 2019


That takes care of that problem forever, said nobody.

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BEM #11 — Kangaroo Court

October 8th, 2019


When Phoenix Wright is looking like a more realistic depiction of a court, there are problems.

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BEM #10 — Staring Contest

September 29th, 2019


Man, I legitimately don't want to finish this show at this point.

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BEM #09 — Dr. Martyr PHD

September 22nd, 2019


What's with this season and martyrdom?

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BEM #08 — Lips Inc

September 15th, 2019


I'm ready for next season.

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BEM #07 — “These Dogs Are So Screwed”

September 8th, 2019


What was this? Take-Backs, The Episode?

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BEM #06 — World Famous Incognito

September 1st, 2019


…They were using their real names and were world famous, why did we gasp on the reveal?

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Bem #05 — So Anyway, Here’s My Backstory

August 25th, 2019


The writing for this show really fell off a cliff. Well… a second cliff.

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BEM #04 — Low Voltage

August 18th, 2019


Was the dust dude really killed by a vacuum man at the end? Really?

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Bug Eyed MIA

August 4th, 2019


Just a quick note that apparently BEM's off this week and next, rerunning episodes 2 and 3 instead. The fourth episode was apparently about a fire monster or arson or something and needs to be… changed… due to recent tragedies. I briefly considered one last hurrah for The Ones Within, but its two-part episode of an 'evil oni kidnapping and killing girls' was actually making them be maids. And then someone gave them a stern talking to which Set Them Straight. All this was leading up to the shocking reveal that the dude who said "Not every family loves each other" came from a family that didn't love him. He was aghast in shock when someone had that insight. Yeah… no.

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