Chonker Elves #01 — Extended Informercial

July 6th, 2024



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Exile Continues…

January 16th, 2024

Still alive. Still forcibly offline. 5 hours until another wind/ice storm, so not feeling hugely optimistic. And supposedly in about 26 hours, it'll be 40 degrees and pouring rain. Weather!

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Hokkaido Girls are Super Adorable #01 — “Come See Our Convenience Stores”

January 8th, 2024


Weird pitch, but okay.

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Idolmaster: Side-M #01 — Oh Boy! Rice!

October 7th, 2017

Boy, the bar is low.

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Dynamic Chord #01 — Amazingly Animated OP Sequence

October 5th, 2017

That animation really is next level.

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TsukiPro #01 — Aaaagh! Bad Rapping!

October 4th, 2017


Please stop. Just… stop.

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On Vacation, Don’t Wait Up

September 21st, 2016


I'm out of town from Wednesday night until late Sunday. I'll catch up on the weekend shows on Monday. I'm not sure whether or not I'm going to do a full season preview post this time. It's a pain, of dubious worth anyway, and lately serves mostly to exhaust and annoy me. As are all the half-assed "another goddamned generic idol/girls in a club" show posts, and maintaining the little motivation I have in recent months is a challenge enough as it is. Enjoy some recycled fanservice from 2008 while I'm gone that would've been timely three days ago, but is now just three days late. Make whatever complaints you want. I'll figure crap out in five days.

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Wall of Thighs

June 15th, 2016

This season's more about the legs than the chests.

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No Porn This Week, Have Some Dog Instead

November 29th, 2015


Because softcore porn is sooooo different.

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Assorted Tits and Asses

October 19th, 2015

Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.

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