To-Love-Ru Darkness #whatever — Great Big Clouds of Gas

June 27th, 2015


Their diets cannot possibly be healthy.

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Faff Like Nobody’s Watching

January 14th, 2015


Because I’m not.

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Having Naptime…

April 25th, 2014

Instead of actually reading (technically re-reading) the start, grabbing screenshots, etc, I went to sleep early last night. But what would a blog be for if not posting half naked, half pillow, radiation-haired things and talking about yourself? Saying yesterday that I’d do it today and feeling any obligation has totally nothing to do with it. I’ll get to it on Monday because despite three weeks gone by, there is still nothing but blackness in the pit of my stomach thinking about watching another episode of M3.

Posted in Pillow Monster | 4 Comments »

Out For Repairs

December 8th, 2013

Just a quick FYI, I’m in the hospital right now after some incredibly ironic surprise surgery. I’ll be here until likely at least Tuesday, so don’t expect any posts from me for a few days while I’m on the mend. You’ll survive. Maybe I’ll do something, but I have my work laptop here instead of my personal one so it’s unlikely. It’s nothing life threatening at all and I’ve felt pretty much fine for the last 12 hours or so on very few painkillers (admittedly, five in the middle were under anesthesia), so you can have fun speculating what it was. Aroduc out.

Posted in Hiatus | 26 Comments »

Out of Town — Don’t Wait Up For Me

September 19th, 2013

Yeah, it’s not much of a filler picture, but damn, is it pretty. Well, aside from all the sidestory stuff, but nothing goes by faster than a whole, whole lot of sex. One day I should write something on that, although I think I peaked early since Daibanchou is still the standard by which I compare all others. "Diamond spear jutting into the sky" as dirty talk among erudites does deserve honorable mention though. I’ll be back on Tuesday. Coverage of shows will be delayed, sporadic, nonexistent, and/or drunk until then.

Posted in Hiatus | 2 Comments »

Another Pointless Filler Post To Fill Space

September 16th, 2013


Yeah. I’ve got nothing.

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Pointless Fanservice Filler Post – The Sequel

July 24th, 2013


This month has been the opposite of productive.

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I Couldn’t Think of Anything Else to Post

June 5th, 2013


This serves no purpose.

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I Hate Daylight Savings Time

March 10th, 2012


Always messing up my precious schedule.

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Lazy Summer Wednesdays…

August 24th, 2011

Don’t mind me, just a little bored  on a slow Wednesday.

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