On Vacation, Don’t Wait Up

September 21st, 2016


I'm out of town from Wednesday night until late Sunday. I'll catch up on the weekend shows on Monday. I'm not sure whether or not I'm going to do a full season preview post this time. It's a pain, of dubious worth anyway, and lately serves mostly to exhaust and annoy me. As are all the half-assed "another goddamned generic idol/girls in a club" show posts, and maintaining the little motivation I have in recent months is a challenge enough as it is. Enjoy some recycled fanservice from 2008 while I'm gone that would've been timely three days ago, but is now just three days late. Make whatever complaints you want. I'll figure crap out in five days.


Posted in Hiatus | 11 Comments »

11 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • PP2 says:

    We shall wait forever.

  • anise_punter says:

    Take however much time you need, but I do hope this post isn’t implying said hiatus will be a len-gthy one

    /gets banned before he can show himself out

  • Sanjuro says:

    But…Aroduc doesn’t relax. I thought you were part machine.

  • Opulent Rag says:

    And so he rests, to cleanse his palette so that he may once again guide us plebeians into the promise of better anime critique…

  • Neclord X says:

    A pity, the season preview is my favorite part of the blog, and its useful to have it as reference instead of googling for each show.

  • Hinano says:

    aw man your season previews is the one thing I looked fwd to every quarter! D: oh well I can see how after a decade you’d get sick of this shit lol

  • ASDF says:

    Have fun!

  • The Phantom says:

    I like this blog quite a lot, hope you get back to it soon.

  • Kitten says:

    Aawww pleasee try doing the full season preview, they are hilarious and the best part of the blog, I always wait for them every season.

  • DP says:

    Hope you have a good vacation.

    I do hope you do find the energy to do a season preview. Yours is one of the more entertaining.

    In addition, you perform a valuable spiritual purpose.

    Since you are generally pessimistic, the enjoyment of the season is enhanced when, invariably, it is not so bad.

    In contrast, other lesser reviewers, with their optimistic take, will merely result in disappoint, when, usually, things turn out be less than expected.