No Porn This Week, Have Some Dog Instead

November 29th, 2015


Because softcore porn is sooooo different.

Let's call it holiday-induced exhaustion. I actually got a decent amount of translating done over the weekend, but when I sat down this afternoon to do the usual Princess Witches stuff, I instead ended up napping for about three hours. You can tell how engaged I was by its ultra subtle foreshadowing of history repeating itself that everyone completely ignores because they're all twits. Oh, and I'm feeling especially unmotivated thanks to the fantastic results so far of my asking for help with BB2 on the board and in various posts, but hey, maybe I can get back up to having the scripts for three games fully translated and being stuck sitting on them for reasons outside my control, and I'm including "not wanting to release something that looks like garbage" as one such reason. I'm already at two, and we can call it ~2.45 if I get to include Prism Ark and BB2's progress, although you can fit about five BB2s in one PA. Give me a month with the same amount of technical help as I've gotten for the entirety of the past year (the last real fix I've gotten for anything was November 2014, for BB1's exe strings) and I'll easily hit magic number 3 again. It'll be just like most of 2014 all over again, including one of them still being Seinarukana.

So here's some dog to gawk at instead. I haven't forgotten about Izumo 4 either and still intend to write some stuff on it, but full (even trial) review posts tend to take even longer than off-the-cuff summaries like I've been doing for MB/PW. It's on my plate to get done before the game's actually released at the end of December at any rate, I just need to find some time.


Posted in Fanservice | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonymous says:

    You don’t sound like you are enjoying yourself with either your game translations or with watching anime. Maybe you need to take an extended break from both.

    • Aroduc says:

      Why would you believe quitting would solve any of the problems I’ve enumerated… on a post about taking a break from something I feel like I needed a short break from at that?

  • Anonymous says:

    From what you have been writing over the past couple of months is sounds as if you are no longer finding any particular enjoyment in the anime that you are watching or in the games that you are translating. If that is the case, why continue watching and translating?

    In the past your posts indicated that you were enjoying criticizing the anime you watched and the games that you translated. Your recent posts don’t sound that way.

    • Aroduc says:

      My problem is being stuck sitting on work that I can’t release in an acceptable format. Sitting around more isn’t going to solve that. I’ve already given up on Prism Ark and that sure as hell hasn’t solved any of the problems with it.

  • Sanjuro says:

    I agree. You should change the blog to slipper reviews. Though you might still have a problem filling Monday-Thursday.
    For your big projects you could translate the back of Japanese slipper packages. Think of the fun!

  • jingoi says:

    softcore porn is boring, how can they stand not putting it in.