Sacks and Guns #12 — Yer The Chosen One

December 23rd, 2021


Chosen to do jack squat.

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Sacks and Guns #11 — Hooray For Idols Too!

December 16th, 2021


Boy, this show is hitting all my nerves lately.

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Sakugan #10 — All Glory To Fascism!

December 9th, 2021


Boy, am I not in the mood for a powerpoint presentation on the good points of benevolent dictatorships.

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Sakugan #09 — Beach Week

December 2nd, 2021


Another faffing episode.

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Sakugan #08 — Creative Pseudonyms

November 25th, 2021


Wait. Zackletu is Zack!? Holy bread twists, Batman!

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Sacks and Guns #07 — Fever Dreams

November 18th, 2021


Did someone forget to turn in an entire script again?

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Sakugan #06 — Kill All Orphans

November 11th, 2021


What is this, Orphan Abuse Week?

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Sakugan #05 — Fun Tea Facts

November 4th, 2021


Are any shows this season going to have a plot?

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Sakugan #04 — Little Italy

October 28th, 2021


Aaah, stereotypes.

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Sakugan #03 — Multi-Spatial Cartography

October 21st, 2021


Maybe less time spent arguing about maps, guys.

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