Terrier in Residence #11 — “Have You Heard of WikiLeaks?”

September 25th, 2014


Boy, those CG people sure were… CG.

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Terrier in Residence #10 — I Give Up

September 18th, 2014


Because the show clearly has.

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Terrier in Residence #09 — Evil Academy

September 11th, 2014


Words cannot describe how ready this season is making me for some schlock about guys turning into cosmic twin tailed space girls.

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Terror of Something or Other #08 — The Invisible Bombing

September 4th, 2014


Yeesh, that was a tone deaf opening montage.

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Terror of the Riddler #07 — Running Around Montage

August 21st, 2014


If this was any more padded, you could use it as a pillow.

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Terror of the She-Riddler! #06 — World’s Worst Law Enforcement

August 14th, 2014


“Um, guys? Is there any reason we’re not arresting them now?”

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Terror of the Riddler! #05 — Attack of the Foreigners!

August 7th, 2014


Surely nobody would ever suspect the guy who threw a smoke bomb into a crowd moments before an explosion.

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Terror of the Riddler! #04 — Bitcoin! Backdoor! Wget! 404!

July 31st, 2014


We know hackings!

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Terrier in Residence #03 — Puzzles and Dragons

July 24th, 2014


But at least there were CGI cars.

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Terror in Tokyo #02 — Now Featuring the Riddler’s Paint-Eating Brother

July 17th, 2014


This is like what you’d get if 24’s writers were all got high and the show’s named was changed to 168.

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