Loser Ranger #12 — The Final Episode Recappening

June 30th, 2024


Why are we spending a quarter of the last episode recapping the premise for the fifth time?

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Loser Ranger #11 — Hot Potato

June 23rd, 2024


Maybe stop giving speeches for fifteen seconds.

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Loser Ranger #10 — Swarms of Birds

June 16th, 2024


Boy, this laser sure got impotent quick.

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Loser Ranger #09 — Self-Driving Cars

June 9th, 2024


I truly hate this season.

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Go! Go! Loser Ranger #08 — Lightsaber Envy

June 2nd, 2024


How exactly did he get under the table while they were talking? And then back out and into a chair?

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Go! Go! Loser Ranger! #07 — Betrayal By Teamwork

May 26th, 2024


I'm not sure I follow the lesson here.

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Loser Ranger #06 — Excessive Fire Safety

May 19th, 2024


Exactly how many extinguishers are there?

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Loser Ranger #05 — Femme Naive

May 12th, 2024


Why are you even cutting apples up if you're not going to eat them?

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Loser Ranger #04 — Handy Man

April 28th, 2024


Low hanging pun fruit, I know.

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Go! Go! Loser Ranger #03 — Dead Man’s Matchbook

April 21st, 2024


That's not how that works.

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