Full Metal Panic IV #10 — Cheesecake Episode

June 29th, 2018


Hurry up and do nothing. Some more.

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Full Metal Panic IV #09 — Banished to the Kitchen

June 22nd, 2018


Strong female characters.

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Full Metal Panic IV #08 — Fridge is Getting Crowded This Season

June 8th, 2018


I really need to stop giving anime writers any credit whatsoever.

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Full Metal Panic IV #07 — Martyr Complex

June 1st, 2018


I think that's the true Whispered power.

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Full Metal Panic IV #06 — Revenge of the Light Jazz

May 25th, 2018


Again, what the hell is with the scoring of this show?

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Full Metal Panic IV #05 — Reboot

May 18th, 2018


Which would be welcome if 2.0 didn't kind of suck too.

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Full Metal Panic! IV #04 — Girl Power!

May 4th, 2018


A show's never in a good place when characters are practically trying to crawl into the fridge.

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Full Metal Panic! IV #03 — Patriotic Music

April 27th, 2018


What in the nine hells was with that music in the first half?

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Full Metal Panic IV #02 — The Adventures of Private Strawman

April 20th, 2018


I have a vague memory of a time when Tessa's character wasn't a complete joke.

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Full Metal Panic! – Invisible Content #01 — Nothing and Lots of It

April 13th, 2018


Oh good, it's the "we have an existing fanbase, so we don't need to bother trying" approach.

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