Symphogear XV #13 — Singing at a Large Rock

September 28th, 2019


Nothing says grand triumph like defeating an inanimate object that was invented on the spot.

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Symphogear XV #12 — The Music Meister

September 21st, 2019


Every time you think it can't get stupider…

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Symphogear XV #11 — Vagina Attack

September 14th, 2019


I don't think that's a proper frankensteiner.

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Symphogear XV #10 — The Jobbing Rocket

September 7th, 2019


Maybe we can make it an honorary protagonist just so we can say the antagonists beat anybody at any point.

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Symphogear XV #09 — In Celebration of Old Men

August 31st, 2019


This season keeps going in the worst directions at every turn.

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Symphogear XV #08 — Welcome Back to Season 2

August 24th, 2019


We really are bankrupt creatively, aren't we?

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Symphogear XV #07 — “Hey, Remember How Great Season 3 Was?”

August 17th, 2019


You and I have very different recollections, Symphogear.

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Symphogear XV #06 — Responsible Motorist Behavior

August 10th, 2019


Even for recent Symphogear seasons, this episode was full of nothing.

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Symphogear XV #05 — Bath and Karaoke Break Time

August 3rd, 2019


Yeah, that's what the show needed.

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Symphogear XV #04 — Friends Forever!

July 27th, 2019


I don't even remember what Saint-Germaine ever did.

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