Treasure Chest of Courage #01 — Public Stoning

April 13th, 2023


…Is a whole season of filler actually something even fans of this wanted?

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Ranking of Kings #23 — Revenge of the… Who Are You Again?

March 24th, 2022


Boy, did this show fall apart in the second half.

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Ranking of Kings #22 — Grooming Children

March 17th, 2022


Good lord, what has this show become.

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Ranking of Kings #21 — Attack on Titan

March 10th, 2022


Wit seems bitter about someone else having that series.

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Ranking of Kings #20 — Power Levels Are At Maximum

March 3rd, 2022


Same can't be said for the animation budget.

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Ranking of Kings #19 — Milking a Non-Death Scene

February 24th, 2022


What on earth happened to this show in its second season?

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Ranking of Kings #18 — The Gentrification of Evilville

February 17th, 2022


Who could have seen this outcome!

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Ranking of Kings #17 — The Immortal Guy is… Immortal!?

February 10th, 2022


Let's repeat that another five times for the people who missed that.

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Ranking of Kings #16 — The Upsides to Torturing and Murdering Children

February 3rd, 2022


This episode was… not great.

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Ranking of Kings #15 — I Have The High Ground!

January 27th, 2022


Which I will use to pontificate at exhaustive length without actually saying anything.

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