Having Naptime…

April 25th, 2014

Instead of actually reading (technically re-reading) the start, grabbing screenshots, etc, I went to sleep early last night. But what would a blog be for if not posting half naked, half pillow, radiation-haired things and talking about yourself? Saying yesterday that I’d do it today and feeling any obligation has totally nothing to do with it. I’ll get to it on Monday because despite three weeks gone by, there is still nothing but blackness in the pit of my stomach thinking about watching another episode of M3.

Posted in Pillow Monster | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Yue says:

    A new category has been born.
    I guess this your version of Odin-sleep. Now, who shall I hire a supervillain to assault you when you most vulnerable?

    When people say Pillow Monster, it’s boobs right? head-desk

  • Eric says:

    Don’t hurt yourself on our behalf.

  • UltimaLuminaire says:

    Take care of yourself. It’s good to hear you managed to snag some extra rest.

  • Anon says:

    The Animes wont run away, but your body health

    So takes your time. You not in a Fight to blog as “First!”