Magical Warfare #12 — What a TWIST!

March 27th, 2014


Are you kidding me?

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Magical Wallflower #11 — Rape Overtures

March 20th, 2014


Well, at least there’s something.

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Musical Warfare #10 — And Now, A Training Montage!

March 13th, 2014


I’d make a snide remark about stalling, but I did that on Tuesday.

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Magical Waffles #09 — Slytherin Strikes Back

March 6th, 2014


This episode escalated quickly.

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Magical Wafer #08 — Governments Lie To You!

February 27th, 2014



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Magical Warfare #07 — Narcolepsy Saves the Day

February 20th, 2014


Look at me not making a Dream Team joke.

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Magical Warfare #06 — Melty Blood

February 13th, 2014


So we’re going by playground rules, huh?

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Magical Warfare #05 — Invulnerable Shrubbery

February 6th, 2014


Apparently my price is wall-crawling heavy ordnance.

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Magical Warfare #03 — Threats of Sexual Violence

January 23rd, 2014


It’s the lack of a penis that makes Takeshi non-threatening, isn’t it?

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Magical Warfare #02 — HOW DO YOU BREATHE!?

January 16th, 2014



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