It’s still pretty as all hell, but the controls can still be touchy, the level design is still tedious and far too long, and the enemies are barely even speedbumps. The bosses can be fun (and hard), but there’s definitely a lot of things that need tweaking. Collision detection is a huge one, as it’s not at all rare to find bosses trapped inside walls. Aya seems particularly prone to it, but bosses in general seem poorly tested. The frog, for example, glitched me between it and a wall then proceeded to slap me to death while I couldn’t move. Marisa’s master spark also literally pinned me against a wall from right next to her and took basically my entire life bar… and then part of the next one. It definitely needs (more) patching and could use some improved mechanics and controls to be more than just an afternoon’s distraction. Still pretty though!
Yep, it’s that pretty pretty Youmu platformer that’s been making the rounds in various trials for the last couple Comikets. It’ll be out in its full version, complete with strange robots and a significantly more advanced (thank god) combat system this year. Meanwhile, Freudenstachel has gotten a number of updates to its trial over the past week. I think honestly that Erka;es has actually gone insane with how long they’ve been working on it. Lastly, if you were curious about the character additions for the latest expansion of Touhou Sky Arena, while the page isn’t updated, all three are posted to their blog; Flandre, Reisen, and Mokou with the first two playable for the trial to be released at the end of the month.
I guess this is as good an excuse as any to get back into paying attention to the doujin game scene since Comiket’s approaching. Maybe this will tweak Witch Fighter DX into a better game, but I’m not holding my breath. Fanwank Black Battler just makes my brain ache. I think MBAACCPC will overshadow all other fighters anyway. Aquastyle’s putting out yet ANOTHER expansion/spinoff to their roguelike too, now with party mechanics. Elsewhere, Area-0’s announced anothe expansion to TSA with zero info, Werk’s off wasting their talent doing Im@s pornography, and Frontier Aja made the bombshell announcement that they’ll be selling… a calendar. Who knows, maybe that means that Freudenstachel will finally come out.
In case anybody other than me is looking forward to Corona, which doesn’t seem to be the case, it had some kind of ‘pre-trial’ release that at least shows the tutorial stage, but nothing else of the gameplay. Aside from that is a massive massive chunk of introductory stuff that I’ll actually read once the game itself is out. Yes, yes. City being eaten by monsters, dragon girl who calls the MC daddy, twin tailed blonde with a giant axe, etc etc. What little there is here does look slick and well executed, with a lot of potential for depth. Yumina certainly wasn’t lacking for that, so if they’ve solved the grinding problem while transitioning here to more of a tactical SRPG, this should hopefully be fantastic.
Since today’s the calm before the storm of 2.5 hours of new shows on Saturday (plus Working’s new OP), here’s the next big game I’m looking forward to. Corona is the spiritual successor to Yumina the Ethereal and based on a very similar graphic engine, but with much more of squad-based SRPG mechanic. I’ll probably have more to say when they actually put out a trial in probably a month. Hopefully they learned from Yumina and made it more like the fandisk than the game (ie, removed 90% of the grind). Some people might also enjoy seeing Eiyuu Senki’s battle system in action in a brief promo too. They’ve just been updating the character roster with a seemingly endless array of Arthurian knights for the last month though, some having cans that would definitely stop any real knight from making it to the Grail.
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Actually, I have no idea where the breast show has run off to. I skipped it last week because finding something ridiculous would have required sitting down and actually watching it. That’s a 20 minute commitment that I’m just not willing to make. This week, it’s just not appearing at all. Probably a blessing. So, uh… here’s all the Big Bang Attacks from BBBR. They finally hit version 1.03, which means that they’ve got all the moves for all the characters implemented. Personally, I would have thought that’d be the goal for 1.00. Now they can get back to fixing all those infinites. Also FYI, I’ve got a meeting tomorrow morning, so Yuruyuri and "Why Am I Still Watching This?" are going to be late by at least an hour or two… which may be the real reason for this post.
Well, I still haven’t been able to get my grubby mitts on it, but I doubt I’d have much to say that isn’t obvious anyway. Videos are starting to make their way onto NicoNico though, and while the majority are of funny glitches or silly infinites (I’m a fan of Senna’s corner face-slam one in particular), Kinako’s the last character not from BBB, so I figured one of her combo videos was worth tossing up one an otherwise slow pair of days. Other Comiket stuff… eh. I do recommend checking out the full version of Age of Ethanols if you like Age of Empires, but I’m a Civ guy. RTSes will never replace my OCD need to tweak every single specialist for half an hour each turn. They did give it a massive graphical overhaul from its earlier days and has netplay already built in to annoy your friends.