Duel Savior is a pretty cool game. Well, except for Berio’s route. That’s less "cool" and more "horribly written." And completely redundant, yet still required for some reason. Rico deserved an actual route too. Not… nothing. Anyway. Thanks to everybody who helped, especially the hackers. It’s been nearly four days without battling Giga’s engine, and the engine often won anyway. Now to wait for someone to find a major crashing issue or boneheaded translation mistake in the first 15 lines just like every single time. Also, set difficulty to max, you pussies.
Granted, I haven’t really gone deeply searching (yet), but it’s looking like a fairly underwhelming on as far as games go. Nothing’s really caught my eye and the ‘big’ groups aren’t really doing much more than at best, releasing more trials… or art books of old games. Exciting. I just want AQLoop to finish World of TWAIN already so they can go make something decent instead. Or that Werk would stop making Im@s porn and go back to games. I have no idea what Tasofro’s doing making some kind of fairly generic isometric puzzle… thing… either. And thus we filled the Thursday morning that the Olympics pre-empted all the shows for.
Oh right, I forgot that Reitaisai, the Touhou con, is coming up before Comiket. THAT’s why there’s all these Touhou doujin game trials and PVs popping up. This batch from the past week come from Gatling Cat releasing another one of their platformers in pretty much the exact same vein as just about everything else they make only possibly slightly more infuriating thanks to copious amounts of bottomless pits, an inability to shoot in more than one direction or 5 feet in front of you by default, and getting hit sending you 10 feet hurtling away with no invincibility letting enemies literally carry you along with them to chew away most of your lifebar in one go. The other’s a PV for a puzzle game from Desunoya which seems a lot more interesting, clever, and less frustrating in general.
Oh right, it’ll be Comiket season in a couple months. Time to start paying attention to doujin game sites again for anything that pops my interest. Apparently here, they announced a whole crapload of characters for the expansion when I wasn’t paying attention. Oh well, I’m mostly interested in the game for the OST at this point. I just wish Lion Heart would get around to putting up more info on Tempest of Heaven and Earth. Tasofro also completely redid their page with another Touhou theme replacing the Madoka/Grief Syndrome one, but has yet to actually announce anything. Who knows. Maybe Freudenstachel and Territoire will finally come out this year. Ha.
It’s got that in-game presentation stuff that I love about Giga, but the actual game impresses me a lot less. The engine’s like Duel Savior’s, except very cut down. Fewer moves, less manic, smaller party, less skill, etc. DS could get away with its slimes and goblins because its default state was a fast paced orgy of violence that still allowed, nay, rewarded finesse. Here, I’m already sick of fighting dogs. The new party system is also a little disappointing. They just follow you and perform support attacks at opportune times, but aren’t part of the battle otherwise. The rest of the game engine is much more RPG-based, although I don’t like how the exploration limiter forces you to retread ground. I’ll pay attention to the story once it’s actually out, but this writer is Not Goodtm. It certainly wasn’t a bad trial for the hour or two it lasted. It just makes me remember why DS was good more than anything else. You can try it yourself here or try to get it off of Giga’s choked site.