Rolling Girls #12 — I Must Go, My Planet Needs Me

March 28th, 2015


Note: She died on the way back to her home planet.

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Rolling Girls #11 — My Two Moms

March 21st, 2015


Because everything in this show is misunderstandings and parents.

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The Rolling Girls #10 — “Extreme Double Super Moon”

March 14th, 2015


Isn’t that one of Sailor Moon’s attacks?

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Rolling Girls #09 — “You Don’t Get Me, Mom! Mooooom!”

March 7th, 2015


I’m still waiting for the main characters to justify their existence.

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Rolling Girls #08 — Backsliding

February 28th, 2015


Template template template template.

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Rolling Girls #07 — Sideburns

February 21st, 2015



Elvis? Is that you?

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The Rolling Girls #06 — Montage!

February 14th, 2015


Speaking of spinning its wheels…

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The Rolling Girls #05 — Ready, Set, Do Nothing!

February 7th, 2015


Steady… Steady… Steady…

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The Rolling Girls #04 — Wrath of the Roombas

January 31st, 2015


…Why did it grow legs?

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The Rolling Girls #03 — Go Rummage Around in the Dirt

January 24th, 2015


Yes. That is an interesting direction for an interesting episode to take.

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