Seven Skipblades #13 — More Montages, More Picnics

September 29th, 2023


What ever happened to that revenge, Junior?

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Seven Spitballs #12 — Behold the Bureaucracy

September 22nd, 2023


Good god, what happened to this show?

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Seven Spielbergs #11 — BEES

September 15th, 2023


Oh, how nice. You got me some weeds.

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Seven Spellblaghs #10 — Piggy Back Ride

September 8th, 2023


The most unbeatable strategy in combat.

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Seven Spellblahs #09 — Questing Through Walmart

September 1st, 2023


What an adventure.

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Seven Spellblades #08 — Duelstravaganza

August 25th, 2023


Plot? What plot?

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Seven Spellblades #07 — Oedipal Brooms

August 18th, 2023


I'm really tempted to say seven episodes is enough just for the weak title joke.

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Seven Spellblades #05 — Random Encounters

August 4th, 2023


You already aren't using the last eighteen characters you introduced. Why do you need more?

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Seven Spellblades #04 — Random Encounter

July 28th, 2023


Yet another.

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Seven Spellblades #03 — “That’s Against School Rules”

July 21st, 2023


Please. I know about Binding of Isaac. Your 'demon baby' is nothing.

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