Seven Spellblades #05 — Random Encounters

August 4th, 2023


You already aren't using the last eighteen characters you introduced. Why do you need more?


I'm very close to just giving up on this and enjoying the cat show's OP each week. This was another godawful episode of zero story, plot, character development, anything. Just them sitting around tables, having tea or rehashing what each one's deal is and how super duper serious things are. They have a secret mission to do something unspeakable, which we will speak of every episode but never say what it is. Ooooh, aren't you interested and intrigued? Since you ask, no. Not at all. We're past foreshadowing and hints and into bludgeoning to an insulting level. 

And then, at the very end, some eighteen minutes into the episode, you'll never guess it, but yet another random upper classmen steps out of the shadows and declares that they're going to kidnap them to experiment on them. And that's the cliffhanger; rehashing literally the exact same one as a couple episodes ago. Will some other random upper classmen step out of the shadows and tell them that's against school rules only for them to slink off into the shadows next week in the first thirty seconds, or will it take upwards of two minutes? I would say that question depresses me, but what is really deflating is the entire speech about how all the recent events were orchestrated by her as part of her grand plan, so this was apparently meant to be the story and plot. Brought to you by Literally Random Girl And Random Monsters.


Posted in Seven Spellblades | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Chipp12 says:

    Wasn’t that supposed random person introduced in episode 3 though?

    • Aroduc says:

      She had to introduce herself and explain who the hell she was in her evil villain speech, so I'm going to call that as technically no.