High School DxD #15 — How About Some Men?

July 7th, 2013


If not for the naked time bookending the episode crowbarred in, this would have been utterly pointless.

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High School DxD #14 — Tilted Camera

June 1st, 2013


Why is it always on its side?

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High School DxD #13 — “Tits and Peace”

September 8th, 2012


It’s not the best rallying cry I’ve heard.

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High School D(x/v)D #06 — Obey Gelmer

August 28th, 2012


"Gelmer" sounds like a monster from Fraggle Rock.

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High School D(x/v)D #05 — MasterChef

July 24th, 2012


It is criminal that David wasn’t eliminated tonight. Wait, what am I watching again?

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High School D(x/v)D #04 — Special Move

June 27th, 2012


How disturbingly plain.

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High School D(x/v)D #03 — Sexual Predation

May 22nd, 2012


Oh, is it DVD season already?

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High School D(x/v)D #02 — Improper Life Saving Techniques

April 24th, 2012


I’m pretty sure mouth to mouth doesn’t involve trying to lick their tonsils.

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Sacred Seven DxD #12 — Dragon Metaphors

March 22nd, 2012


Penis metaphors shouldn’t talk this much.

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High School D(x/v)D #01 — Wedgies

March 19th, 2012


That cannot possibly be comfortable.

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