Wiz Bars #12 — Oh Right, This Was About Lawyers

March 30th, 2014


And here I thought you had forgotten completely.

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Wizard Barristers #11 — The Perils of Summoning Satan

March 23rd, 2014


Has that ever worked out well for anybody?

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Posted in Wizard Barristers | 9 Comments »

Wiz Bars #10 — Magically Disappearing Swat Team

March 16th, 2014


“Don’t worry. One detective with a handgun can handle the wizard resisting arrest.”

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Wizard Barristers #09 — Sexy Times on the Swanboats

March 9th, 2014


I have no idea what that was even about.

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Wiz Bars #08 — Attack at Fish Story

March 2nd, 2014


Who names their hotel Fish Story?

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Wizard Barristers #07 — Real Imitation Starbucks

February 23rd, 2014


Way to make me miss the giant magic robots, show.

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Wiz Bars #06 — The Crotch That Blazes Like the Sun

February 16th, 2014


Maybe she’s wearing tinfoil underwear.

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Wizard Barristers #05 — Moonwalking Barristers

February 9th, 2014


Sadly, the most interesting part didn’t come until the last seconds.

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Wizard Barristers #04 — Lick the Glass

February 2nd, 2014


Does he realize how unsanitary that is?

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Wiz Bars #03 — Shark Knight Lawyers

January 26th, 2014


That sounds like the kind of thing a ten year old would come up with.

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Posted in Wizard Barristers | 6 Comments »

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