The Prince and The Pussy #12 — Attack of the Music Boxes

June 29th, 2013


I want to go back to sleep.

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The Prince and the Puss #11 — Sexually Harassing Children

June 22nd, 2013


This season is really going all out with the sex crimes.

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The Melodramatic Prince and Stoned Cat #10 — Return of Drama Rain

June 15th, 2013


And evil bunnies.

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The Melodramatic Prince and the Stony Cat #09 — Yet More Sad Violins

June 8th, 2013


Becoming ever more embittered here.

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The Melodramatic Prince and the Stony Cat #08 — Swimsuit Empire

June 1st, 2013


The school kind of looks like a Civilization wonder city’s sprawl.

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The 〇〇 Prince and Stony Cat #07 — Return of the Popped Collar

May 25th, 2013


Oh boy. Another episode of melodrama.

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The 〇〇 Prince and Stony Cat #06 — The Rape Episode

May 18th, 2013


Always a great vehicle for gags.

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The 〇〇 Prince and Stony Cat #05 — Elephants and Peaches

May 11th, 2013


Have these people not heard of umbrellas?

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The 〇〇 Prince and Stony Cat #04 — Comedic Timing

May 4th, 2013


And a lack thereof.

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The 〇〇 Prince and Stony Cat #03 — Navel Abuse

April 27th, 2013


I’d rather pretend the first half doesn’t exist.

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