Zero F #12 — This Is Why You Don’t Stare Into the Sun

March 23rd, 2012


It makes inane things happen.

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March 16th, 2012


Wow, talk about a threat.

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March 9th, 2012


Why can’t the bubbly dragon be the last boss?

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Zero F #09 — Curse You, Pele!

March 2nd, 2012


Welcome to human cities, here’s your ridiculous hat.

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Zero F #08 — Brand New Tats

February 24th, 2012


Well, at least it’s not a tramp stamp.

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Zero F #07 — Naked Desert Elf Breeding Programs

February 17th, 2012


Why else would they walk around their village naked?

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Zero F #06 — Convenient Camera

February 10th, 2012


Didn’t the last season have this exact episode?

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Zero F #05 — Spin Cycle

February 3rd, 2012


I feel like I’ve already seen this episode two or three times before.

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Cockblock Adventures F #04 — Shut Up About the Damn Fruit

January 27th, 2012


Not nearly enough Monmon.

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Not-Shana F #03 — “Surprise, I’ve Got a Gun!”

January 20th, 2012


"And now I will throw it away so you can have it too!"

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