Nice to see that Nanaya’s getting a new attack since his old ones are pretty lame. Otherwise, not really much else we haven’t seen before, aside from Magical Amber’s giant ass. Out next week. Hopefully they won’t putz up early files too much and I’ll be able to quickly get a patch out to encompass the new stuff. They’ve also uploaded a new demo, although from the screenshots they posted, it looks like it’s just the original act 1 demo with the new engine.
Edit: The trial is a free release of act 1 with the new engine and the new attacks for Takumi, Haruna, and Nanaya… but if you’re lazy… just watch this.
Now we just need to figure out a way around this whole "All strings must be 32 characters or fewer" nonsense and we’ll be cooking with gas! Amusingly (in a certain masochistic sense), all the battle quotes are in a more or less unsorted and only vaguely clustered list. I have no idea what even triggers some of them, and the fact that the Angels will whine about a single missile out of eight missing is certainly making actually applying context here via trial and error quite a spot of fun.