Penguin Girl ♥ #05 — The Pengy Island Adventure

May 17th, 2008


Ahhhhhh island getaways.


We get our introduction to Pengy’s true rival, the loli and very cranky Marie and her very cute and shy maid whose name I didn’t catch. I enjoyed the almost Meru-like communications between her and Kujira. Something about an eyepatch and being diabetes-inducingly cute struck a chord with me. I’m amazed that they somehow managed to use the South Pole as a method for exposing more of Xia Ci’s panties (dachi), but hey… go with what works. There was also some rare poking at stoic ol’ Nene this time as she suffered alongside Kujira and Xia.

The episode was 7 minutes long this time, which is a step up, but it actually felt like a real half episode this time and I was very very sad to see it start to wind down. Pengy having her vacation home at the South Pole wasn’t as good for the fanservice, sure, but it’s a sign of how much fun the show is that it doesn’t need that to get by. All we need is Pengy and Sebastian being their normal quirky selves while the rest of the cast acts as the straight men to their antics. And when your straight man contains a Chinese martial artist confused about sex, only good things can come of it. Hopefully we’ll see more of Marie and her maids (if you know what I mean) in subsequent episodes.

Penguin Girl OP #5

Penguin Girl ED – Marie Version 

In this city, there is another Pengy’s got a rival. The rich girl Marie looks down on Pengy’s family’s house and plots her revenge. She hands her maid a letter and declares that she’ll bring judgement to Pengy.

The girls have been invited out to a private vacation by Pengy.

As they walk and make small talk, something zips past them and explodes. It’s Marie’s maid. Kujira demands to know who it is, she can sense the killing intent.

The maid suddenly spins around and dials her cell phone. Kujira gets a cutesy message saying that she has business with Pengy-chan.

Realizing it’s from the maid, Kujira’s a bit surprised. The maid holds out the letter. Kujira takes it, and then the maid speed dials again, asking that Kujira deliver it to Pengy-chan… O-ne-ga-i!. As Kujira gets ticked, the maid leaps away.

Suddenly, Kujira senses the killing intent and blocks a surprise attack from Xia Ci dachi. Xia thinks that Kujira accepted a love letter and the two fight briefly before Kujira explains that it’s meant for Pengy.

Kujira chews out Xia Ci… but it’s too late. The letter was completely torn to pieces in the scuffle.

Pengy drives up just then to pick them up.

In the car, Kujira explains about the letter. They tried to piece it back together, but it’s more or less nonsense.

Pengy’s happy with the corrupted message as they fly off to their island retreat.

On a tropical island, Marie and her attendants lounge in paradise, waiting for Pengy.

In the arctic south, the girls freeze their asses off. They went to Sakura’s namesake after all. Isn’t it only natural?

Pengy points them to their residence, a giant ice castle. Of course, they wouldn’t be staying out here. Now this is a real holiday. It’s FREEZING DACHI!

It’s great here! Pengy pulls out a beachball and tosses it to Nene. She takes it on the head and collapses in the snow, a petrified, frozen grin on her face.

Inside the ice castle, it’s nice and warm! Of course not. It’s only slightly less cold.

Marie and her attendants roast in the tropical sun.

Pengy’s guests all huddle together for warmth while Pengy serves them frozen watermelon.

It’s okay, Pengy has coffee for them too. It’s a shame that it freezes as she pours it. Ice coffee is just how Pengy likes it though.

Marie gets even more pissed off.

Now for the star attraction, the Penguin Bath. How she convinced them to strip is beyond me, but Kujira loses it and goes berserk.

She and Xia Ci start destroying all the furniture for their secret move… fire making. Pengy becomes more and more distressed as they finally start a fire.

And of course, with the heat, the ice castle starts melting. A column falls on Pengy.

The girls finally realize the problem as the the ceiling caves in.

Marie is finished. Sunburned. Roasted. Kaput. She won’t forgive Pengy for this!

Posted in Penguin Girl | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • serenade_beta says:

    It’s Marie, not Mary.
    That, and the fact that on the official website’s character page, if you put your pointer on Marie, the link says

  • Aroduc says:

    That’s entirely more attention than I usually pay to things. ^^

  • Demon Eyes says:

    LOL. Well, his/her name is *_beta.

    If it isn’t their job, I don’t know whose.

    Anyway, thank God the time didn’t get reduced even farther.

    I am looking forward to this ep.

    Have to wait for the subs though to understand a thing.

  • akolay says:

    I wanna play these games.