Apocalypse Still Cooking, Please Wait Warmly

June 17th, 2024

In case you thought that Doom Train was moving TOO fast with all its in-episode recap, one episode from the end, they're putting up a clips show recap instead, to recap the recap. I don't even know what the big bad is even trying to accomplish. Sure seems like it's just "be a petty jerk because why not?" But okay, let's recap. I hate this season. Next season's preview will be up in a week. Probably Tuesday or Wednesday. Spoiler, harems are back. In force. Which doesn't mean cheat power RPG reincarnations are gone at all. Of course not.

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Laziest of Lazy Filler Note

May 5th, 2024

I hadn't been paying the closest of attention, but apparently Loser Ranger is off this week, and a quick glance at all the other shows that I recently gave up on has them all continuing to do the things that made me sick of them. And I don't want to go to the trouble of capping and sorting just for "It's still doing training arcs" or "Girl insecure, but told not to be, which makes it all better." Either of which could describe… a lot of shows. So… I've got genuinely nothing right now. BLOGGING. Really selling that this is a dying medium.

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Eushully Attempts Marketing, Fails

June 8th, 2023


A month ago, Eushully began a countdown which ended with… announcement of a sale for their 25th anniversary. And that's absolutely it. Featuring a blanket for… their April Fool's joke. Nothing else at all. Not on their Twitter feed. Not on their website. But on their Youtube channel, unlinked to in either of those places, with their whopping two and a half thousand subscribers, at the end of a montage of their games over the last two decades, that's where they hid the announcement of a new game, which appears to be a fairly generic RPG, though without the godawful interface of most of them. Was this a test to see if anybody was watching it? What are you even doing. Yes, this flabberghasted me enough that I had to say something in its own post.

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Site Upkeep and Translation Station

May 4th, 2023


Remember when Touhou was all the rage instead of VTubers?

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Out For the Weekend

April 29th, 2022

I'm out of town for the weekend to see some friends and/or visit some wineries for only about the second time since 2020 due to obvious reasons. It's highly unlikely I'll get to Saturday's shows until extremely late Sunday or more likely Monday. Don't burn the place down while I'm gone.

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Please Wait Warmly

October 14th, 2021

I'm out of town from basically now until late Sunday for a wedding. Not my own. There are a couple shows I plan on covering in that span (eg Ranking of Kings, Lupin III Pt6), but they'll definitely be a bit delayed from my usual prompt posting, if not pushed back should the internet at the destination be uncooperative. I am not part of the central stuff and I foresee a lot of downtime in a small city where it is supposed to be raining nonstop. Fun. 

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Pandemic Procrastination Continues

April 29th, 2020

At least I've only gone marginally stir crazy.

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Welcome to the Plague State

March 17th, 2020

This has sure gone from 0 to apocalypse in no time flat.

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Z/X Jet Girls #02 — Time Dilation

October 15th, 2019


Is Namek still exploding?

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*tap* *tap* Is This Thing On?

September 18th, 2019


Anybody still here?

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