Damn It, Clamp. This Was Confusing Enough Already

May 12th, 2008

Post contains xxxHOLiC AND Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle spoilers.

Alright, let me see if I have this straight…

We now have Syaoran, the son of Syaoran and the genitor of the insane Clone Syaoran, and the current member of the party. We also have Sakura, mother of Syaoran who gave up her staff so he could cross dimensions and meet Princess Sakura when both were about 7 years old. Then there’s clone Sakura who went on the quest and is now deceased, and her genitor, the real Princess Sakura. Let’s keep the wheel spinning. We come to Fai, creator of Chii, but not THE Chii, who resonated with another Chii, which let us learn that Fai is actually dead and Fai is his twin brother Yui.

Meanwhile, it turns out that most of Kohane’s power was because she had a feather in her, which Yuuko has now taken as payment. Also, powering parts of multiple recent wishes are Watanuki’s memories of his past, including his family, given up before either story even started and they, along with Clone Sakura’s memories of Clone Syaoran, are sealed in black Mokona’s earring to be released soon… (ominous pose, thunderclap) Oh, and Watanuki/Doumeki’s ‘spirits’ are slowly fusing.

Does anybody else feel like they need to open up a spreadsheet to keep all this straight?

Posted in Miscellaneous, xxxHOLiC | 17 Comments »

17 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Hinano says:

    Is this a recent revelation? I stopped at the chapter where they went back to the Clow Country and were going through multiple deja vu’s with the kid dropping his apples. I typically read these in bulk to remember wtf is going on…but man wtf? Does this mean Sakura + Shaoran = Incest? Ugh yuck, I’m glad I stopped actually purchasing this manga.

  • albert_2mb says:

    Okay, I need to reread the whole series again orz

  • Kabitzin says:

    I feel I can follow the xxxHolic stuff, but the TRC twists are too confusing! This is the reason why cloning should be outlawed.

    I am amused that this post somehow generated an ad for Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em.

  • Sensei-kun says:

    this is like being lost in a big giant@$$ dark forest with a broken navigator and only a little map xD

  • Aroduc says:

    Yeah, it’s recent. After they got tired of ‘killing’ the deja vu people, they went to the ruins in Clow. As soon as they entered, Syaoran flashed back to visiting Yuuko’s shop when he was 7 because of some premotional dream his mother had. Yuuko just sort of off-hand mentions how like his father he is, including the name, and that his mother paid the price already with her staff.

  • CLAMP, the all girl orchestra, jumped the shark a long time ago. I don’t think they’re even trying any more to make sense. They’ve got such a name and such a fan following that they can shovel anything out the door and it’ll sell.

  • sage says:

    Does anybody else feel like they need to open up a spreadsheet to keep all this straight?

    clamp-clusterfuckery.ods ???

    Yes, already there.

  • kiryuu says:

    @Hinano : this wonderful revelation came from the most recent chapter.

    I dunno, I guess I kind of liked the little wtf moment I got out of this chapter. Amusing touch that the current “Syaoran” isn’t using his “true” name like Fai has been doing all series.

  • Shippoyasha says:

    I think Clamp is good as long as it doesn’t go into the canonical cross-universe stuff.

    I have to agree that their cross-dimensional plot is some of the most convoluted. I mean, WAY too many mistaken siblings, clones, twins and interdimensional versions.

  • SB says:

    Oh, god, someone rubbed a magnet on my Tsubasa/xxxHolic compass.

  • Di Gi Kazune says:

    mmm… incest…

    Excuse me, this is coming from the creators of cockcaptor sakura… I mean cardcaptor sakura, probably the bible of lolicons everywhere. I’m fine with the incest bit… (I’m really scaring myself these days.) But the convoluted looping is getting stupid.

  • sage says:

    I normally reject incest.

    But it’s cross-dimensional incest. And the mother is Sakura. So it’s AWWWWWRIGHT.

  • Kyo says:

    asdfghjkl to confusing to follow. That’s why I don’t like TRC, Holic its more digestible

  • wend`aii says:

    #!%#$$^ full BaWwwftwmindfucked!#%@ fest D: its ending soon as well, TRC is in its final arc and instead of feeding this slowly they shove it to us pretty fast. yerh its like being lost in a forest, a big huge one with portals and crap that go in circles and circles :D

  • Senefen says:

    I dunno about spreadsheet but I’m pretty sure we need a new naming system and a family tree. Clow spawned a red neck family there.

    *pictures Watanuki and Doumeki doing the fusion dance* *Snicker*

  • silverhawk says:

    well personaly i find both easy to follw Watanuki/Doumeki’s ’spirits’ are not fusing there spirital energy is trading one piece of the others like a simbeot

    sorry if my spellings bad :)

  • sakura says:

    i’m still confused whatever happened to the real sakura?that is my only question because i already understand everything else