Penguin Girl ♥ #01 — More Challenges

April 19th, 2008


No more goddamned school challenges!


This actually was pretty decent, despite the fact that the first thing you see basically is a panty shot. Well… and before you see the titular character’s face, you’re greeted with some bathing suit cameltoe. Granted, I was already planning on watching Kanokon anyway, but I hadn’t really steeled myself for fanservice quite yet. It was still a pretty decent little comedy though, so I’m not complaining. Most of the otaku jokes were hit or miss, but it did a good job of staying relatively unpredictable.

I’m sure lots of people will be tempted to compare this to Lucky Star, but I’ll call all those people incompetent pinheads. Aside from the fanservice, none of the characters are anything alike. Sure, there’s an otaku girl as well, but of the insane fanservice and general costume rapery variety. Her platform for winning the competition to be school president was that the girl’s school uniform would be changed to maid outfits and the guy’s changed to a butler suit. She also powers up when she’s wearing the right costume. She also shows up in her ‘pajamas,’ a school swimsuit with no pants.

It wasn’t stellar, but I chuckled more than a few times, and it had a danmaku ED. A DANMAKU ED. I love danmaku, even more than fireballs. Maybe. I’ll probably stick with this one for a few more weeks at least. Each episode’s only 12 minutes long and I have nothing better to do on Friday nights except this/Kanokon (there better be some freakin’ fireballs tonight) anyway. It’s ‘airing’ on the Niconico channel, so don’t expect especially high cap quality ever. I also do really like the OP and ED because I’m a music nerd and phrasing changes entertain me.

Late Edit:
Apparently the OP is going to start changing to fan made OPs.
That’s really neat and kind of awesome.

Penguin Girl OP

Penguin Girl ED

Posted in Penguin Girl | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • serenade_beta says:

    “there better be some freakin’ fireballs tonight”

    Guess what, they aren’t fireballs. It’s actually blasts of wind, and only one or two shots.

  • Endz says:

    does the anime has any forms of yuri? the manga has some yuri elements.

  • Aroduc says:

    I’m sure if you dig hard enough, you’ll find yuri.

  • Chen says:

    Hahaha, this may very well beat Titskon and Tits Love Ryu.

  • Cpt.Spaz says:

    Okay, I don’t feel like watching the anime, but from what screenshots, where the hell are her nipples? She some kinda alien? Or is this some kinda of new form of Japanese censorship where the start removing bodily organs all together out of laziness?

  • Demon Eyes says:

    It’s Love pheromone all over again…And I love it! *Grins*

    Definitely watching this one!


  • Dyns says:

    Very nice ^^

    And it’s sure that we’re going to see some yuri, since in the manga Penguin is totally gay for Etorofu.