The Monster Next to Me #13 — All About the Cock

December 24th, 2012


This is how you choose to end your show?

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The Monster Next to Me #12 — Revenge of the Sparklies

December 17th, 2012


If there’s nothing going on, throw in more sparklies!

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The Monster Next to Me #11 — The Melancholy of Blondie

December 10th, 2012


Does anybody even care about this schmuck?

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The Monster Next to Me #10 — Christmas Cape

December 3rd, 2012


I really hope that’s not a thing.

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The Monster Next to Me #09 — I Dream of Fish

November 26th, 2012


I miss the chicken.

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The Monster Next to Me #08 — Hitting Girls

November 19th, 2012


At least someone got hit.

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The Monster Next to Me #07 — Licking Face

November 12th, 2012


Why do I feel like we’ve already seen most of this episode before?

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The Monster Next to Me #06 — Nothing Happens

November 5th, 2012



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The Monster Next To Me #05 — Inexplicable Colds

October 29th, 2012


What? A Japanese cold that doesn’t nearly kill you? And spontaneously instead of getting wet?

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The Monster Next to Me #04 — Fish Episode

October 22nd, 2012


What’s with the random other beat-up guy in the background anyway?

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