Endless Alice CRYSIS

April 5th, 2011

One of my favorite doujin groups, Lion Heart (Mystical Chain and Sanae Challenge Fusion), somewhat quietly released a sequel to their older game, Endless Alice last week. Crysis doesn’t add a ton; bombs, a scroll-wrapping screen, a few new enemy types, and changing levels as you advance instead of set courses, but it still retains the level of hectic chaos that made the original so addictive. It’s certainly not revolutionary, but it’s still fun. Plus, they’ve put it up for free to download here. I’m still eagerly waiting for a Mystical Chain sequel though. The music and boss fights in that were bloody amazing. 

Posted in Doujin | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Adanos says:

    Wow…the first thing that i thought after i read the title was Alice in a Nanosuit….

  • Why does the frame rate collapse once in a while? The background music keeps playing, so it’s not the recorder that’s doing it.

  • Yoasakura says:

    Usually the music/sound is run on a separate thread (process), so slowdowns in game does not affect the music at all. Even if the slowdown is caused by the recoding program, the sound is still being captured separately, that’s why the sound doesn’t skip.

  • Yden says:

    Alice really hates those mushrooms eh?

  • Yue says:


  • kenuran says:

    Oh cool a sequel. I just started playing Touhou and Touhou doujin games just yesterday and the one I spent the most time on so far was Endless Alice.

    Thanks for the heads up.