Kyouran Kazoku Nikki #15 — Magical Girl Kiyoukia
July 19th, 2008
>.< !
So Kyouka gets pissed off at Ouka for forgetting their anniversary (I’m pretty sure the marriage was never consumated, sweetheart) and attacks Raichou, ruining her cake. > < ! Never willing to miss a chance for fun, Raichou gives Kyouka a diesel powered ‘magical’ wand that detects who a person is thinking about and then uses a satellite to explode them, so Kyouka rampages around town, spying on people and zapping a lot of innocents (and herself, not so innocent) in the process. First Shinigami’s dad, then Yuka’s ‘boyfriend,’ then Ginka, then Teika and herself. After saving Chika and Yuka from some idiot thugs, she hangs her head and goes home, where Ouka’s waiting with a nice romantic dinner and an apology. The wand detects Kyouka herself and prepares a massive blast that’ll obliterate Ouka, but she sacrifices her body to tear the staff apart and a blue blast intercepts the red blast, writing a message of love in the night sky. How romantic.
Oh. Did I mention that it began with a three minute recap of the first 14 episodes all done in the fast talking style? At least until Teika messed it up and was a disappointment to the entire family. Way to go Teika.
Overall, a very fun episode though. We only had to listen to a very short speech from Ouka about family and how important it is, and Raichou’s general desire to cause malevolent chaos is far more entertaining that Kyouka’s "chaos with a moral speech at the end of it." The diesel powered staff was also great, though I wish they had used the ripcord a few more times, since that made me chuckle out loud the first (and only) time. Kyouka doesn’t make a particularly good magical girl though. At least she got the physical beating part of the equation right. There was only one magical pose and hardly any magical chanting at all. For shame.
It would appear that Hyouka becomes trapped in a petting zoo while Raichou glomps everybody. At least a 35% chance that this is correct.
Posted in Kyouran Kazoku Nikki | 1 Comment »
Aroduc, is that a Leo the Lion (the one by Tezuka) reference there?