The Tuesday Blues: Seiha Themes and Hong Meirin Seimoe Support Edition

September 18th, 2007


Kekkaishi’s on hiatus, I could not care less about Doujin Work anymore, and finding the latest Tokyo Majin raw without access to Share is an exercise in futility… leaving me with a gap early in the week in the ol’ blogging schedule that just leaves me feeling like I haven’t really accomplished anything… and even that stretchs the definition of ‘accomplish.’ I need the new season to start already. Or just need to survive until next week when Soul Nomad comes out and I can drown myself in that.

The especially observant of you may have noticed the theme switcher in the upper right. I’m still working on that, but hit an ugly snag when I reached the part where Google doesn’t allow you to define its adsense stuff via css, so spent a long while trying to find a workaround to no avail. I think at this point though, I’m just going to nuke it and let the sidebar run free with as many colors of the rainbow as it likes. Somehow, I’ll have to find a way to survive without the $5 a month that pulls in. It’ll be tough… I needed that money to eat, but somehow I’ll find the resolve to carry on. I should have a couple more color schemes done by the end of the weeked, including at least one light/white one for those of you who hate the dark backgrounds. White text on a black background is better for your eyes anyway. The sidebar would also look really silly being so short… especially if I ever get around to pulling the category tags into a dropdown in the header, so I’ll have to find some array of widgets and other useful-seeming devices to take the skyscraper ad’s place.

Moving on to other things, the Touhou Seimoe is in full swing now. I’m archiving all the images posted to the support board, so there’ll be some kind of massive dump at the end of it, or probably just a torrent/zip stashed somewhere. Unsurprisingly, Yuyuko and Suika handily emerged from their bracket, though surprisingly, the last winner of a Touhou Saimoe, China, is losing to Reimu, and she’s not nearly far enough ahead of Eirin for my tastes. One of them should be ejected to bracket D or H anyway where they can crush the weaklings there. Poor nurse. Her, China and Reimu all deserve to make it out of the prelims. For now though, I’m a mess without my little china girl.

Go show your support for the flame haired door guard!


Posted in Fanservice, Touhou | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • admin says:

    You suck! :-P

  • DrmChsr0 says:


  • AGear says:

    Oh! Thank You Aroduc for the China Pics, you save me for the searching of they, there are too many posts in the touhou image board to search and find China’s pics. Thank You.

  • sage says: