Blood-C #11 — The Twist That Nobody Saw
September 22nd, 2011
Who are they kidding?
Yawn. The ‘big reveal’ episode doesn’t really tell us just about anything we didn’t already know, just fills in a number of rather unimportant minor holes as it fills in twenty minutes, and more disappointingly for this show, had pretty much no action to distract from that fact either. Most of it is spent standing around taunting Saya, flat out telling her that it’s fake, or pouring blood down her throat to send her into various flashbacks while she sits there catatonic the entire episode. I’m not sure that she even has a single line. Apparently they also have this blood thing down perfectly because they can control the exact flashback it gives her. That’s… convenient. Oh yeah, and padding. All over the place. Did we really need to sit and listen to the twins talk about their clothes? Seriously? This show barely has a plot as it is without getting distracted by every shiny object that bounces past it.
So yeah, surprise! It was all set up for her ‘benefit,’ they’re all just actors and using magical thingies to protect themselves, everybody has their own little agenda (mostly just to get paid by finishing… the project), and Saya’s been pumped up on drugs the whole time. The largest twist is that everybody else in the town besides the ‘main cast’ (in English!) actually were real people and are dead, so you know, Saya’s protective abilities are still a tad lacking. Also that she’s been eating every one of the monsters that she’s killed off-screen. Lovely. And then here’s the cliffhanger… coffee guy is the one that the teacher hates/fears who is ‘behind’ all of this, and I’m fairly sure is supposed to be the military guy who took Saya down in her flashback.
Oh yeah, and if the show wasn’t already ridiculous enough, a giant dog suddenly shows up out of nowhere with arms coming out of its head to chase them approximately 20 feet to the right before mysteriously disappearing again. Great writing all around, folks.
Thrilling conclusion.
Posted in Blood-C | 10 Comments »
Hoorah for twins!
Now I can watch this mind-f**king show again.
Saya eating the mons thing is weird, almost makes what Diva did to Riku tame (to me).