Release the Spyce #10 — Oh No! The Betrayal!
December 8th, 2018
It manages to underwhelm even low expectations.
Again, my expectations were too high, and not just because it frittered away half the goddamned episode on yet more girls-on-a-date crap. Hell, put them on actual dates. Put them into the clearly unhealthy relationships to deal with existing in a world of secret cannibal rapists lurking everywhere that you just like to tease at as the glory of friendship. *ahem* Anyway, they picked a rando on the team to be the 'traitor.' I guess they could still underwhelm if Mei really is a traitor and just happens to be carting the entire team into the enemy stronghold because where else would you put your arch rivals? Or a superficial fleshwound followed by dropping them in the water? Well, I guess since she dropped a tiny explosive in the area, that must've been serious. Lord knows they had all the gasping and screams like it was. It would be about as satisfying a direction as the entire thing with Hatsume and Who's-It, which keeps getting dropped further and further until it's just something that I guess is (not) happening off-screen now.
It still compares favorably to the robot army which showed up and then spent about six straight minutes standing around. Every now and then, they'd cut back to someone to show a pile of dismantled robots, but I'm not sure we actually saw them move at any point before Hanzo jobbed to one, also with screaming, dramatic music swells, and bawling. Honestly, it probably would've been better had they dropped a building on them or something. It can pretend all this was shocking and for realsies, but the show has at no point shown that it has the balls for that, and I fully expect virtually all of this to be taken back next week. The worst part is that let's say they don't and all this was for realsies. I don't think that would even be any better at this point. The bed's already been wet. You can't get the pee back into the bladder. Just… do something corny and over the top to end things, preferably not in a power of friendship vein. My vote, the big bad is actually an alien who wants to blow up the moon, so they teleport to her homeworld and get hooked on space spyce. I guarantee that's better than whatever it actually has planned.
Posted in Release the Spyce | 7 Comments »
I´ll prefer if they just had sex already,
it will be honestly than they friendship anyway.