Little Witch Academia #06 — “Magic’s Not That Great”
February 12th, 2017
"No! Magic's the greatest ever!"
Thus did another insipid 'conflict' drive this episode between Akko and visiting supposed hunk. It's a good thing there was a random bear too, or this episode would've just been some screaming about how great magic is, and a montage of the wonderment of magic. The real kicker is that Akko continued to not learn a goddamned thing. Her takeaway from the montage was "I really really want to do magic." Not that she's going to actually start putting in effort. Not that she's going to take things seriously. Not to stop trying to take shortcuts. Just "Wow. I was right, but I never realized how right I was, and I'm moved to tears by it." But I guess it was Chariot ex machina this time instead of Diana ex machina. Way to mix things up and keep 'em fresh, Trigger!
Posted in Little Witch | 6 Comments »
I’m very surprised you didn’t like this episode, as it addressed your biggest complaint. Akko finally has to work for something, instead cheating.