Re:Zero #01b — MDK

April 3rd, 2016


If only he stayed dead.


At least they both die within the first four minutes of the start of this half. That's an improvement already. But then the droning began again. And went on. And on. And on. And on. And on. But it's all leading up to the fight with the killer some fifteen minutes later, so they're saving the budget and the awesomeness for that, yeah? Well, at least they animated the big guy barumphing around. Not so exciting were the things like the five second long speedlined backflip so she had time to finish her line, or the fact that you couldn't see anything because it was so dark, or that Thief Girl's contributions to the fight were speedline dash into still, followed by one-shot execution, also a still. And let's also ignore that it was something like a 4 second 'sprint' to cover about 10 feet, but she was also moving so fast that it needed speedlines and blur. I think I can walk that fast, guys. At least parts of that quasi-fight weren't embarrassing, but worth waiting forty minutes for and suffering through all the blather? Good god, no. Especially when they pull crap like showing he dodge an attack, but then change their mind and it hit anyway because, you know, that's just how things work.

The second half was probably better than the first, but I wouldn't call either good. It's probably because the second half contained only 10% as many CGI furries and killed the mildly obnoxious motormouth yet still somehow weirdly apathetic main character twice, which was a sentiment I could quickly get behind. This could've easily fit into twenty minutes and still probably wouldn't have gone awry if it sped stuff up a bit, which doesn't speak well for how things are going to go moving forward. White Fox also still apparently has neither found a budget nor anybody who knows how to choreograph action scenes, so don't come looking for anything to wow on the visual side either… unless you're disturbingly into CGI anthropomorphic animals.

Next Episode:

Posted in Re:Zero | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Longhaul says:

    Not gonna lie, I got a laugh out of the camera red eye.

  • wey says:

    What kind of konosuba is this?