Four Rhythms #08 — Now Loading Flashbacks…

February 29th, 2016


*sound of face hitting keyboard*.


Well, at least they made a different episode. That would almost be something. Maybe next week, they can make an episode with something in it. We're still in a holding pattern, except now it seems we're transitioning into melodrama and flashbacks instead of qudditch and rapey grins, so I can't even celebrate it as anything new or different. Nor is it really clear why it exists. Hey girl, you're feeling down, well, here's some feelings I had, girl. So girl, you go feel your feelings, girl. And then, we go back to the usual nonsensical quidditch and rapey grins, ending with the shocking shockingness of Lobotomy Pink spontaneously falling into the water because… melodramatic effect, I guess? I love how the two 'rival' girls exist for no reason but to be dicks. Show up, be dicks, and probably kick sand on her as they leave. Praise the director's restraint for it not immediately breaking out in angst rain at that point.

Next Episode:

Oh god. Flashbacks? Are you kidding me?

Posted in Four Rhythms | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • DoucheBoss says:

    Asuka is cute! CUTE!
    I can’t wait for them to find a stupid solution against the Birdcage tactic on the twelfth episode!

  • Random Shitposter says:

    They really try to retain their audience by adding shitty cliffhangers at the end of every episode, don’t they? Now this time: a lost brooch that will probably be retrieved next episode, because who would want to see actual development?

  • anise_punter says:

    I’m waiting for the remake where pink is a CG idol who will claim to do an air-kick turn in our hearts