Anti-Magic Academy #05 — Now To Whore You Out Like Prostitutes
November 4th, 2015
LN adaptations are having a hard time with consistency this season.
Well, on one hand, it's an episode about the character who has been nothing but an obnoxious sore thumb on the entire show so far. On the other hand, at least it seems to have more or less wrapped itself up with the standard friendship power speech, Random Blond Childhood Friend With The Shiny Earrings Whose Mere Presence Causes Panic Attacks But Was Otherwise Present In the Episode For Slightly Less Time Than The Existential Masturbating notwithstanding. Nothing happened, but at least it only took about twenty minutes instead of 40 to 120 to an entire goddamned series. She went through the standard non-progression progression of sudden bout of insecurity, go home with protagonist, masturbation in the bath, hilariously be caught naked with him resulting in him being slapped, unrelated fanservice ending to laugh track. It didn't add anything to her character. It didn't add anything to anybody else's characters. It didn't advance the plot. The fanservice was not titilating or worthy of note in any way. There was no eye candy to eye lick at. There's something to say for not doing anything horrifyingly bad, but at least that would've shown a little ambition in some kind of misguided way instead of tepid twenty minutes of porridge.
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Lol @ 3rd line of screenshots from the bottom.