To-Love-Ru Darkness #whatever — Great Big Clouds of Gas
June 27th, 2015
Their diets cannot possibly be healthy.
FYI: There was some chatter last week about an alternate version of Gunslinger Stratos’ ending on the web. That ended up being broadcast this week as episode #12.5. It began with about 8 minutes of staff explaining how clever they were for doing this and then just went into the alternate ending for the remainder of the time (about from the end of the Tohrus’ fight), except that they had actually finished animating the scenes that had ended up as a flipbook the first time around. Good work, team. I’ve already declared the season over. It can continue to rot.
I was just going to skip today and post some general status/translation/site updates tomorrow, but gee, there’s this web preair (July 6th actual start) for a godawful show here about a dumbass who keeps tripping and getting his face or arm sucked into female’s crotches while they fart, queef, and/or lactate gigantic noxious clouds. I watched this episode for about as long as it took me to sort out the caps, which is to say I think I only made it through about seventy eight orgasmic moans and fourteen slip and falls into third base. I think I got the gist, and it’s that this one’s ambitions towards anything other than the same, dull, tired cliche that it’s been running on for years remain ever the same, nonexistent.
Posted in Fanservice | 10 Comments »
Wow, does this deserve “The Shaved Porcupine” award for complete and utter pointlessness. This really is just another one of those anime that stopped having a plot, however bland and boring it was, and just became pointless, never-ending fanservice.