Aldnoah.Zero #05 — Teenage Power Hoooooooooo!
August 2nd, 2014
It was especially bad this week.
Really? Five years ago, the moonchild princess lived all alone in a giant stone castle when a missile containing the moonchild boy crashed into it, he began vomiting water, and then she shoved her tongue down his throat? Really, guys? Maybe that’s what kicked off their research into radar, ending in invading the Earth five years later by putting their hands on cubes. I guess my point is that apparently space people don’t have a lot of usability engineers, security guards, or interior deisgners, just mad scientists building robots with oddly specific weak points. Does bolster the theory that the whole thing is being masterminded by Dr. Wily though.
Anyway, pretty much the same as always. Ten minutes of aimlessly pissing around including the now obligatory maid accidentally blurting out the princess’s identity because bitches be stupid yo, five minutes of trained adults getting fed their own cataphracts by the latest in the endless parade of themed supermechs, and then Eggtron 9000 exhibiting his teenage superpower of being a teenager. They were pretty lazy this week though. The supermech’s power was “immune to attacks from non-teenagers” “has two lightsabers.” Didn’t even bother with more than just one half-assed lightsaber wave as an excuse for an immunity to bullets. He defeated it by… blocking. And then pulling it into the water. Such tactics! Oh but wait, he didn’t block. He blocked. As they needed to explain after the fact. I’m sure all the guys who died while he kept his tactic to himself appreciate it.
I guess the focus, despite being only a couple minutes, was supposed to be what they cut away from that to though, which is Mr. Moonchild telling the sick king (yes, that’s a male) that the princess was still alive, and to the shock of absolutely nobody, the moon Illuminati is immediately there to discredit him. Because it’s episode 5. I don’t even know why they bothered instead of just letting the obviously evil old man with the sinister voice simply be evil. Everything else is ridiculous. Why not just go all the way?
Posted in Aldnoah.Zero | 6 Comments »
Buh…. Shadow power plays… Buhhhhhh….
Do this really Show need this? So the Show use Inaho alone to counterattack. Know with official Backup of Mother Mars, the Knights have support Line back up. I dont think Earth will stand a chance if Mars get serious.
No this Turn was not thinking ahead, just for short Drama. But how will Earth survive? Or will Earth Fate will be doom?