The “HENTAI” Prince and the Stony Cat #01 — Dead or Die

April 13th, 2013


I love silly attempts by the Japanese to romanize their language.


Surprisingly competent honestly. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a very generic romantic comedy with a premise a little less thin than paper. They take the guy who is already peeping on girls in the middle of class in front of everyone and is getting beaten for it and go "Now he can’t hide that he’s perverted!" The whole Liar, Liar ripoff thing doesn’t work so well when the only difference is that he becomes slightly louder and more loquacious when directly asked to be, which makes you wonder why they didn’t just start from meeting on the hill. The episode could have also used a little less rape imagery. Yes, I know that it’s a standard horrible cliche to have the idiot protagonist fall on top of the female, but it’s usually not straddling them and pinning them down, and then staying on top of them while they whimper.

All that aside, and I am counting "very generic romantic comedy" as a significant thing for many to overlook, it wasn’t too bad. They showed at least some trace of the ironic with the whole body pillow joke, reminding me of James Franco, production was sufficient without too many particularly cheap shots, music was solid all around, pacing moved along decently enough, although like I said, the whole first part would have probably been better off just cut, awful self-introduction included. It could definitely stand to be a little more consistent and snappier with its jokes, especially the visual ones. The Liar, Liar premise is going to run thin very fast regardless.

It’s not going to win you over or impress you if you’re not a fan of these kinds of romantic comedies to begin with, but it’s competently enough executed all around if you do. High praise, I’m well aware. I think the season’s wearing on me already. 

Posted in Henneko | 10 Comments »

10 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • nil says:

    Interesting that you liked JC Staff’s romcom more than Brains Base’s.

    • Aroduc says:

      Is it? I’m pretty sure that I’ve made my distaste for the entire “antisocial teen monologuing about having no friends joins club of beautiful girls and then bitches about it” setup and “talking heads with pictures of the ceiling while meandering through events glacially slow” execution pretty clear over the years.

    • ZakuAbumi says:

      I always “love” it when people judge shows based on their studios. Going by that one, I could as well point out that Photo Kano is done by MADHOUSE and well… that’s not getting us anywhere.

      Long story short, Oregairu isn’t Baccano! and Hennenko isn’t Hidan no Aria, it’s as simple as that. The equation doesn’t work – it never worked in the first place.

      • nil says:

        I always “love” it when people so sweepingly form misconceptions from a terse observation. Oh wait, the sarcasm’s too obvious. Gotta ramp it up with megacasm!

    • algorithm says:

      And then the girl turned really boring.

  • Totali says:

    Fake ojousama!

  • The Phantom says:

    I Thought it was a word play on the title… this anime is REALLY called Hentai prince gimme a break…

  • The Phantom says:

    Nevermind what I said, this was actually decently fun.

  • Gorilla13 says:

    lol Erodick likes this POS?

    Did you get an appointment with your psychologist yet?

  • jingoi says:

    it was……meh.
    Editing time! No ani-peens or shoujo nonsense allowed, only female MC service.