Love Live! #06 — Revenge of the Rotoscope

February 10th, 2013


Where exactly did all those school decorations come from?


Not the most exciting episode. I guess it was mainly centered around the promoting side of things, but it seemed more like they had a bunch of segments that they couldn’t figure out what to do with so just kind of threw them all together, especially toward the end when their new song came out of practically nowhere. Much of the second half also felt like just a continuation of all the Niko nonsense about being a proper idol which was already getting pretty tired as of last week. Yes, yes. She’s terrible at it and they’re naturals. Hilarious joke to spend nearly five minutes on. The ‘cliffhanger,’ if you can even call it that, was also just plain bad.

Besides which, the marketing for "throw money at a bunch of exploited teenage girls prancing around" kind of writes itself. The trick is getting them to throw twenties at bad CDs instead of singles at g-strings. Then again, let’s not forget that their main audience is an all-girls school. On the other hand though, a lack of lesbians has not ever proven itself to be a limiting factor in any Japanese media to date.


Trial #2.

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