Love Live! #03 — Idols Don’t Wear Pants

January 20th, 2013


Idols don’t wear pants!

Actually, now that I think about it, that may be the only difference between Japanese idols and American boy bands.


I think Sunrise lost control of their musical director about seven minutes in. The circus music was a bit… yeah. Let’s keep that to a minimum from now on. I think that we’ve also run our course on Umi being pissy/embarrassed about idolness in general. Mainly because that’s a role that’s already being filled by pretty much every single other character in the show. The fussy taskmaster role doesn’t work particularly well with being embarrassed about everything for weeks and weeks on end, even counting fruit monsters roaming among us.

I think they did miss the mark a little bit with the psuedo concert though. It was a little reminiscent of the turning point of Sister Act of all things, only with bad rotoscoping and a dollop of angst at the start instead of subtly doing anything with the characters and/or story (and at least one giant editing mistake). Well, and the fight against the stuffy establishment. But leaving my love of Wendy Makkena’s voice behind, at least the terror of a bunch of girls not wanting to watch other girls dance around in skimpy outfits could’ve easily been worse. It could’ve had an awful voice over. Or maybe the hamfisted melodrama from last season and certain other shows of this season is still coloring my judgement. It would’ve worked if this had been a Japanese Catholic school. Those things are apparently about 95% lesbian.


Back to recruiting.

Posted in Love Live! | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • lollerman says:

    It would’ve worked if this had been a Japanese Catholic school. Those things are apparently about 95% lesbian.

    Cause if there’s one thing the Roman Catholic Church loves, it’s people of the homosexual persuasion!

  • Di Gi Kazune says:

    Idols don’t wear pants so that their fanbois can perv up their nopanties skirt.

  • hikago says:

    I guess you could say Umi’s causing them an ocean of trouble, eh?