Sleeping Opera Milky Holmes #16 — I Dreamed I Ate a 10 Pound Marshmallow

January 26th, 2012


"Then when I woke up, my cat was gone."


Unfortunately, this was back to being another fairly weak episode. The show’s obviously episodic with a very weak overarching plot, but it’s not usually this obvious about it. The entire second half was just them sleeping. Part of the zany fun disappears when it’s just dreams and not really happening. Plus there was an almost criminal lack of Twenty. I guess the point was showing to Henriette that they still have their powers by unconsciously using them in their dreams, but… eh. I’m also not entirely sure how Cordy using Sherl as a shield counts as using her power either.

There were still a few moments, like Sherl trying to eat Kamaboko and most of the earlier Hercule stuff. It’s bad enough that she imagines… something… but then she also gets hots and bothered while Nero’s licking Cordy to try to cheat at jenga. Lord only knows what she was reading on the sly while in bed with the others. The whole dream bit though… eh. Too predictible and formulaic to be particularly funny. They should’ve been a lot more creative than just "She’s getting hit by pillows in her dream… and she’s getting hit by pillows in reality too." Especially when Henriette’s pillows are standing at the door watching them. 


Back to detective work.

Posted in Milky Holmes | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Mesousa2877 says:

    …I want more of Cordelia’s boobs, damn it!

    What? Not enough lolis with big boobs.