Some years back, Taito thought to themselves, "You know what Japanese arcade goers want to do…? DRIVE A TRAIN! Brilliant!" Thus they set up an arcade cabinet to resemble a train… uh… cockpit? And Densha de Go! was born. Then there was a doujin comic mixing Densha de Go! with Initial D, which has now apparently inspired an actual doujin game. About racing trains. With multi-track drifting. And then they decided to make a sequel. And here we are. The world is a strange, strange place. Well, it could be stranger, as their April 1st train RPG shows.
Honestly, I didn’t really have much luck finding almost anything that looked particularly interesting game-wise for this upcoming Comiket by browsing through the catalog. It didn’t help that everything Touhou related is off in its own area these days. I almost miss when every other game was based on Kanon instead. There are a lot of trials, as well as the occasional thing that makes zero sense whatsoever, but Ten Desires, Tasofro’s Grief Syndrome and Aja’s Big Bang Beat Revolve are really the only full games that’ve caught my eye so far. Even for Touhou Sky Arena, I’m more interested in the OST than the Panty Shot Tengu and Sanae expansion… and Aja’s Scarlet Symphony 2 artbook for that matter. Hopefully something will surprise me.
Oh hey, it looks like Bloodsy is finally actually starting to do somewhere. And it only took half the show. Heck, one of her friends even somehow figured out that there’s a monster in the village… in the last five seconds of the episode. At least unless there’s some cabal wandering around mindwiping people, which I give about a 75-90% chance of being the case. Maybe next week I’ll actually pay attention to what’s going on. The show still desperately needs an antagonist or for Saya to at least be challenged/lose in her vampire-mode. It’s getting just a taaaaaaad bit ridiculous at this point how she always goes from competent but losing to an instant kill whenever she turns it on.