Tigre y El Conejito #14 — Performance Issues

July 2nd, 2011


¡Ay, ay, ay!


And in this thrilling episode, Blue Rose has to teach Tiger and Bunny how to dance while she goes "Why can’t I be open with my feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings?" For a guy twice her age. And four times as thick. Oh wait, there’s some other guy. On to the next crush. Because the show really wasn’t fruity enough before they put the characters in tights and thrust their crotches at each other. Meanwhile, Blue Rose has a stalker that can turn invisible sneaking into her dressing room, wearing her clothes, stealing her towels, and putting on her make up. Also, there are CG bananas.

Thank you and good night.

Okay, fine. There was one minor plot thing. Tiger’s power also got overclocked somehow but he fizzles out faster. Apparently that happens when you get older. It’s not like the writers haven’t been just making crap up for it constantly anyway. Now I can make viagara jokes too. Stellar.


Quick heroes! Sky High needs to get laid! It’s up to you!

Posted in Tiger & Bunny | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • AGear2Ax says:

    So, Tiger now glows like Jake when using his powers?

  • Anonymous says:

    FINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALY!!!! After skipping ep after ep, the next one is what I’ve been waiting for!!! <333 (or maybe that's the fucking reason I even bother to tolerate this show up til now…)